Saturday, October 14, 2006





(not an endorsement of Jay Leno's failure yet to give the Democratic
Green Libertarian or Socialist parties equal time with Republican warpromoters)

Dick Cheney is currently out in South Dakota on a three-day hunting trip. What better place for a man who has had four heart attacks than to be carrying a big gun and a backpack through the snow looking for red meat.

(later in December Cheney killed 81 birds in Pennsylvania
and in Jan (the 5th) at an oil exec's in Louisiana with Scalia)

John Kerry has 3 purple hearts. Dick Cheney
has 1 too.. from Deep Dish Pizza

Guess what's in hot dogs? pig uteri

The guy who said carbs are bad.. isn't he dead? (Yes of a cerebral stroke from
animal fat in the arteries)

Printed on Oscar Mayer package: No animals were harmed
making this product

Melts in your mouth... blocks your colon

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