Saturday, October 14, 2006




700 Bangladesh Fishermen Lost in Storm

fishing: one of the world's 3 most
dangerous occupations


"The man took his son fishing. The little boy caught what
he thought was a very big fish. It was a landmine which exploded
blowing him apart in front of his father's eyes."
-Aaron Sorkin
Trees can't scream
Fish can't scream
Stroke victims can't scream
Debarked Summa dogs can't scream
in the laboratory."
-Anna Hridaaya-

"He was fighting for his life like a hooked fish."

-, Jack Higgins

"Eating fishes enables Canadian seal clubbing by adding to the
demand for a toxic food which causes stomach cancer, food poisoning, arsenic, chromium, mercury and other poisonings."

-O Anna Niemus

"“The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and animals.”
scientific advisor to the British
-Donald Broom

"The average dolphin lifespan were their fins and bodies not
maimed by propellers, were they not suffocated in fishing nets
or knifed by Japanese fishermen nor poisoned by pollution
would be 75 years.
A dolphin photographer as he was scuba diving saw 3 dolphins herd a shark away from him.

The Japanese continue to murder untold tens of thousands of dolphins yearly, with knives and other methods, considering them competitors for fish.

The pollutants of the world have filled the sea with so many pcb's,pbb's, so much arsenic, chromium, mercury, nuclear waste, etc. that in some cases marine mammal milk has become contaminated."


"The bay was sunlit and filled with boats, many of them just
returned from early dawn trips to the open sea. Fish that had
a few hours before been swimming in the water now lay on the boat
decks with glassy eyes, wounded mouths, bloodstained scales."

-Rom Regan

"The karma for removing the breath of fish is to experience problems of breath. God's mercy
is available to those who stop eating fishes."

-Anna Hridaaya

"The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish. ..
And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof, all that make sluices and ponds for fish.

Isaiah 18: 8, 10."


"Can you not hear
the fish gasp for breath?
Can you not see the
agony in their eyes?"

-Ahimsa Network

"Certain countries are dumping nuclear waste directly into
the ocean, making fish flesh even more poisonous."

-Sathya Sai Baba
(in an interview with Russian women)

"Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes."

-Don Marquis

"Anglers are stranglers."
-O Anna Niemus

angling or float fishing I can only compare to a stick and a string, with a worm at one end and a fool at the other."

-JSamuel Johnson

"Eating fish causes unclean thoughts."

-Sai Baba

St Blaze is the patron saint invoked
to protect throats from the 6th
major cause of accidental death:
choking on those who have suffocated
to death.

-O Anna Niemus

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